Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Fakta Keren ~ ~ ~

  • Israel mempunya sebuah restoran yg terletak 5 meter di bawah laut yg bernama: Red Sea Star.
  • Ketika anda kesakitan, cobalah berteriak, karena teriak dapat mengurangi 40% - 60% rasa sakit.
  • Suka coklat? Well, orang yang makan coklat 3 kali sebulan dapat hidup 1 tahun lebih lama dibanding yg tidak.
  • Orang yang bertubuh gemuk tidak berarti mempunyai kadar kolesterol lebih tinggi dari orang bertubuh kurus.
  • Tahukah anda? Coca-Cola dapat digunakan untuk membantu menetralisir rasa sakit dari sengatan ubur- ubur.
  • Ibu jari anda panjangnya sama seperti hidung anda. (coba aja di tes)

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Kriteria Pacar yg Baik .... !!

Daripada bingung mau ngapain, weekend kali ini gimana kalo teman-teman baca info kriteria pacar yg baik dibawah ini ;
1 . Pacar Yg Baik bisa jadi motivasi belajar kita.
2 . Pacar Yg Baik itu gak peduli seTEBAL APA DOMPET LO buat dia, tapi peduli seTEBAL HATI LO buat  dia.
3 . Pacar Yg Baik itu menerima apa adanya bukan ada apanya.
4 . Pacar Yg Baik bisa mengerti dimana saatnya tertawa disaatnya serius.
5 . Pacar Yg Baik itu selalu mengingatkan jadwal makan dan tidur.
6 . Pacar Yg Baik itu Slalu Berfikir Positif Thingking, gak banyak menuntut, dan slalu mendo'a kannya dikala jauh maupun disamping dia.
7 . Pacar Yg Baik itu bisa membagi waktunya untuk Lo dan Untuk Temannya.
8 . Pacar Yg Baik itu selalu memulai sesuatunya duluan, no jaim dalam pacaran (kecuali masih baru- baru ) :D
9 . Pacar Yg Baik itu selalu akan menjagamu dan menolongmu dikala kau terjatuh didalam jurang yg dalam sekalipun.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Kota Palu

Palu merupakan sebuah kota kecil di pulau Sulawesi. Tak seperti kota-kota besar lainnya di Indonesia, Palu jauh dari kemacetan, kepadatan penduduk dan gedung-gedung yang menjulang tinggi. Saat ini Palu dalam masa pembangunan, meskipun demikian sedikit demi sedikit sudah mengejar ketertinggalannya dari kota-kota besar lain seperti tetangganya, yaitu Manado dan Makassar. Akan tetapi Palu memiliki keunikan tersendiri dari kota-kota lain. Banyak keindahan yang dapat kita temui di kota Palu, begitupun dengan makanan, kebiasaan, hingga tempat-tempat rekreasinya. Untuk lebih dekat dengan kota palu klik disini , setidaknya ada sedikit info untuk para pembaca apabila sewaktu-waktu ingin jalan-jalan ke kota ini.

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

PePaTah  <<<

  • Salah satu momen terbaik dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bisa melakukan sesuatu yg orang lain katakan tak bisa kamu lakukan.
  • Bersyukurlah atas masalah dalam hidupmu, karna Tuhan memberikannya untuk membuatmu lebih kuat.
  • Ketika kamu terluka karena cinta, kamumungkin menderita, namun selalu ada pelajaran yg buatmu kian bijaksana.
  • Bukan kenangan buruk yg membuatmu sedih, tapi kenangan indah yg kamu tahu tak akan pernah terjadi tuk kedua kali.
  • Kegagalan bkn dilihat dr seberapa besar cobaan Ɣğ menimpamu, tp dilihat saat km ga bs memulai Ɣğ baru dr awal lg.
  • Bkn titik yg mnyebabkan tinta ,tp tinta yg menyebabkan titik. Bkn cantik yg mnyebabkan cinta tp cinta yg menyebabkan cantik 
  • Jangan mengeluh mengapa tangan tak dpt menggapai bintang, tapi bersyukur dgn kaki yg masih dpt menginjak bumi....

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Bukan Ingin Ku . . .

Tak pernah terlintas ini terjadi
Aku akan terjatuh dalam cintamu
Yang sebenarnya aku telah berdua
Dalam dekapan cinta yang sempurna
Namun begitu sulit menepikanmu
Lupakan kehangatan yang kw sajikan
Sentuhanmu tlah membuatku terlelap
Yang semestinya terlarang untukku
Aku Cinta kau walau harus ku tinggalkan yang terindah
Aku ingin kau meskipun dengan ingkar atas cintaku
Ku tau ada hati yang kan terluka
Ku tau ada cinta yang kan terhempas
Tapi semua takkan terelakkan
Karna hatiku harus memilih  ~ ~ ~

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Hati & Ego

Hati senang memahami;  Ego gemar memperdebatkan
Hati senang menyatukan;  Ego gemar memisahkan
Hati senang memaafkan;  Ego gemar mempermasalahkan
Hati senang merasa cukup;  Ego gemar merasa kurang
Hati senang merasa setara;  Ego suka terlihat lebih tinggi atau rendah
Hati senang kebersamaan;  Ego suka menajamkan perbedaan
Hati senang berhati-hati;  Ego suka tergesa-gesa
Hati senang mengalah untuk menang;  Ego suka yang penting menang
Hati senang berserah diri;  Ego suka caranya sendiri..

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Aq & Ulfa

at campus

Habitual Of Indonesian


Cross Cultural Understanding is the subject that learning about multi culture around the world. It is to understand the historical and the reasons why they do and always keep their culture. The most important thing when we learn cross culture understanding is to know “is west culture suitable for east culture or not??”
As student of English department, we should know about multi cultural of the world, because English language is an international language and hopefully, someday we can abroad. English department students are required at least to master the four basic skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Although, they have to know the most important components of language, they are grammar, structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
At last, the makers of this assignment hopes very much the readers are successful to study cross cultural understanding.


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillah and thanks a lot to Allah SWT just because of the chain. Thereby, our group finished this assignment Cross Cultural Understanding which is made by our group in six days before. The motivation of our group to do this assignment is to show and tell how beautiful, how creative, and how wonderful Indonesian’s culture. The abroad people always say that people in Indonesia is the great and very kind of people. Saying hello and smiling are showed by Indonesian in everyday. More information about Indonesia, there are some points, here they are;
 Indonesian habit or ethnics of meeting unknown or new people at the first time.
 Habitual when holding hands
 The habitual of indonesian’s students at schools.
 Habitual that connected to time.
 The habitual of Indonesian when come to the friend’s houses.
 Indonesian table manners habits.
 Habitual in public places
 Habitual in the bedroom.
 Indonesian toilet and bathroom habits (private and public toilets and bathroom).
 Habitual of getting invitation

We are expected, the readers can increase their knowledge by read this assignment.


Cross Cultural Understanding has the main point to tell about culture around the world. Now, we are talking for Indonesia’s culture. Indonesia has many kind is culture, multi cultural country and unique culture. Culture is followed by habit, and those are Indonesian’s habitual. Check it out …
1. Indonesian habit or ethnics of meeting unknown or new people at the first time. 
- The citizens of Indonesia are mostly friendly and they always pretend to know, as they’ve known each other to every new people that they’ve ever met at the first time.
- Indonesia is also considered to be a relaxed and informal society. When greeting others in most situations, every people say “hello” or “hi”. It’s almost similar with most of European habits, but Indonesian people will not say “nice to meet you” or “how do you do” after greeting new person they meet.
- In more formal and informal situations they usually shake hands at the first time they meet and most of them will put it on their chest to show some respect.
- After shaking hands they also usually mention their name or nickname, and a nickname is usually used among friends and also it’s a sign of acceptance and friendship. First name is used frequently in Indonesia than in some other counties. Place of birth, address and occupation are commonly asked when they meet new people.
- Sometimes they will offer their new friend something, such as cigarettes, candies and various other things.
- In the other side, they’re easy to know and also easy to forget the name of new people they meet.

2. Habitual when holding hands.

People in Indonesia especially for women do holding hands but it looks strange for men. Although, you ever see some boys do it but surely it’s too rare. Men only do holding when they meet with some old friends. Holding hands between boy and girl happen when both of them have special relationship. The men of Indonesia also do shake handed and kissing right and left cheek (cipika – cipiki) like women.

3. The habitual of Indonesian’s students at schools.
There are so many the differences between Indonesia and western country;
- Always come late to join the class
- When waiting for the lecture, students make a group and do discussion about the important thing to unimportant thing.
- Do not criticize to face the problem in class.
- Always feel sleepy when the lectures are explaining the subject.
- Using the same uniform, usually elementary school until senior high school.

4. Habitual that connected to time.
“jam karet” is too popular in Indonesian’s ear. “jam karet” is called for unpunctuality of Indonesian. It spreads to any kind of invitation, for example, dinner, meeting, or party. Jakarta as Indonesian’s capital city is known as busy city because there is no right schedule to range the traffic jam. Business meeting never do in Friday because most of Indonesian is moslem.

5. The habitual of Indonesian when come to the friend’s houses.
Indonesian has no compromise to come, whenever and wherever you can come without promises first. You can visit your friend alone or in group. Indonesian doesn't like everything that makes them frustated. Negative sides of Indonesian habitual of;
- There is no punctual time to come.
- Never ready to invite perfectly.
- Never bring food or drinking for friends.
- Want to be serviced well, without calling for preparing.
- Do not know about the right time to visit the friend’s house.

6. Indonesian table manners habits.
Indonesian people don’t pay a lot of attention to good table manners. Even most of the inhabitants are sophisticated when they’ve to eat with knife and fork. Just only certain people or a professional, and in certain situation they’ve to pay a lot of attention about things that they’ve to do when having table manners, but the table manners are mostly adopted from American table manners standard. However, it’s still mixed up with Indonesian table manners customs. There are some Indonesian table manners habits, such as;
- They’re all having their seats together. It’s the opposite of American or Britain’s table manners habits that they’ve to let the ladies first to have their seats.
- In more formal situation they start eating after everyone has been served by the host or until the host starts eating to show consideration.
- For informal situation, sometimes they’ve their left elbow on the table while they’re eating by using their right hand (without fork, spoon and knife), and also they pick food out of their teeth with fingernails after eating.
- For some peoples burp in public after eating or drinking is impolite manner.
- When they’ve finished eating they will let the fork and the spoon together, the fork with the tines curved.

7. Habitual in public places
Attitude and habitual in public place;
- Somebody of Indonesian are inpatient for example, sometimes Indonesian be really inpatient, especially on the road. The bus drivers and public service drivers, etc. they never be patient to do everything they want. It happens when the drivers looking for money and passenger.
- Spit and blow noise up in the wrong places.
This is really bad habit of people in Indonesia. Spit and blow noise up in the wrong places always do by them, although they lived in the village or in the big city. Spit or blow up in every place can disturb people in the left and the right side of us, and it makes any illness spread well in around us.

- Do pee on the back of the car or on the tree.
We always show this habit when we was in road or in the garden, or in the dense wood. We are sure that you ever show the car’s driver or taxi drivers open chair car and do pee without care to everybody in around them.
- Throw rubbish on the road.
Do you ever see the passenger who throw rubbish carelessly on the road .. ??? yeah, they never think about the cleanness of the road actually.
- Racing or still go on the red lamp.
The popular actions of teenagers are careless about the traffic lamp. Bajaj and motorcycle race as want to be the winner in the last minute of the red lamp.
- Something that never ever found in Indonesia or difficult to do is to make the line. People who lived in Indonesia is really difficult or they do not want to make the line. We can say that “Indonesian hates the line”. People in Indonesia always want to be the lucky number one and it disturbs the line.
- In village area, when someone do a religious thanks giving, the villager built a building by using tester. And the last thing that’s really funny for Indonesian is using biggest loudly speaker can you imagine, how the main road’s situation..??? Nuisance.
Habits of American that should be followed, (Read  http://koranbaru.com/7-kebiasaan-orang-amerika-yang-patut-dicontoh/ )

8. Habitual in the bedroom.
Indonesian people usually before slept reading a book, magazine or the like, call or simply chatting with their partners if applicable. Indonesian most people do not use the bed cover on their bed, this is because Indonesia is a tropical region, so they just use gloves. During sleep, usually the children sleep with their parents, especially baby. The same goes with the bedroom, for boys and girl aged 10 to 15 years are usually not separated from their bedroom, because a house in Indonesia averaged only have a bedroom that just barely.

9. Indonesian toilet and bathroom habits (private and public toilets and bathroom).
Kind of toilets that we’re generally found in Indonesia are wet toilets, and even in public place there’re hardly any dry toilets. It doesn’t like in public toilets, they don’t need to stand in line whenever they’re going to use their private toilets. It’s usually completed with bath-tub and a pale to water the porcelain throne, and the room is also completed with a large of mirror because most of the citizens in Indonesia generally pay a lot of attention about their appearance. They don’t do any activities when they’re on the porcelain throne. It distinguishes their habits with some other countries such as America, England and Australia.
Public toilets are usually completed with standard facilities such as vessel and the other facilities to keep that place are still clean and public bathrooms in Indonesia also have the same facilities. Beside do stand in line, most of people generally use this place every day in a certain time and we should have to manage our time as short as possible we can. Make sure that you don’t leave something of any kind after using the toilet. It’s possible to have short conversation when they meet their business relation in the toilet and also make sure the tap is off to restrict the water and take the porcelain throne to the very begin position or restore it after using the toilet.
There are public toilets on the edge of the road in Franch is called san (Read  http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/toilet )

10. Habitual of getting invitation
Indonesian habit when they when to the weeding party, anniversary, etc, they bring money in an envelope as their prizes. Sometimes, Indonesian comes early because they want to help the owner of the party, especially for the close friend. The important person has the opportunity to come late because of course they are the busy worker. They usually cancel the invitation without information to the invitatory.
Meanwhile in India, if you get invitation, give something to them.
Try to give everything with the right hand. Covered the prizes with the special color of Indian, for example red, yellow, green, or the other bright color because they believe that it will give lucky for them. Warning, don’t ever give any kind of food is made from cow.


Cross Cultural Understanding is the first assignment from our group, and we have made it. We try to do this assignment with heart full because we want to make everything is will be perfect or looks good and interested for the readers.
In this assignment, it’s impossible it the readers won’t find the wrong side of it. So that’s why we appreciate the critique and suggestions from the readers. Hopefully, next time our assignment can be so perfect. The big great thank for any support from the supporters to complete and to finish this assignment.

By; writer
Students of English class
Muhammadiyah University Palu

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

6 Hal Yg Tdk Boleh dilakukan Saat Tidur

Manusia dapat bertahan 2 minggu tanpa makan, tetapi hanya bertahan 1 minggu saja tanpa istirahat. Tidur adalah waktu istirahat yang sangat baik, dgn tidur organs tubuh kita dapat beristirahat. Kekurangan tidur dapat merusak organ dan otak kita.


Jam bisa menimbulkan radioaktif, walaupun hanya sedikit, tapi kalau terlalu lama memakainya bisa berbahaya.

Para ilmuwan di Amerika mensinyalir bahwa pemakain BH diatas 12 jam, dpt mengakibatkan Kanker Payudara

Gelombang Medan magnet yang ditimbulkan oleh alat electronik ini, dapat merusak system syaraf kita

Hal ini dapat menimbulkan masalah pada kulit kita, karena kulit tdk dpt bernafas

Jangan2 anda tidak bakalan bangun lagi (karena dibunuh suaminya)

Pikir aja sendiri, kenapa jangan..